As the language student support center at Georgia State, our mission is to provide resources and support services to help students achieve their language goals in formal studies and personal enrichment. Our focus on intercultural communication provides a unique perspective on the world. At CIRCLE, we strive to motivate students to learn international languages and offer a variety of resources to aid in their success, including tutoring in seven languages in person and online. The CIRCLE facility is available for all students enrolled in a class offered by the Department of World Languages & Cultures. All Georgia State University students, faculty, and staff interested in world-language learning are also welcome to use the CIRCLE with approval from the CIRCLE Director.
Available CIRCLE Services
- Walk-in tutoring and online tutoring in multiple languages (French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
- Equipment for students is available for checkout
- Cultural activities and special events
- Boomalang (French, German, Portuguese and Spanish)
Boomalang is a conversation platform with an international team of native speakers who are trained to lead 15-minute conversations in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German for WLC-CIRCLE language students. Boomalang serves over 100 universities and schools every semester, allowing educators to incorporate genuine one-on-one immersive experiences for students in beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses. These experiences cater to students at all levels, even those at the novice low level.
To request a code:
- You need to be enrolled in any of the following language classes: German, French, Portuguese or Spanish
Send an email at [email protected]
- Serie leamos (Dr. Rodrigo)
- Serie leamos is a free digital library of engaging stories written and illustrated by Georgia State students. The purpose of this library is to provide comprehensible and interesting reading material that allows language learners to practice pleasure reading from the beginning. Currently, the library is in Spanish and English, but we are working on replicating the stories in other languages.
- Spanish book collection
- An extensive collection of books in 7 languages
- An extensive collection of international movies
We encourage all language students to consider the CIRCLE to be their language learning space and enjoy hosting study groups, language clubs, and special interest groups in the CIRCLE facility. The staff of the CIRCLE are happy to assist you in getting the most out of your language-learning experience.
Contact Us
Department of World Languages & Cultures
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Department Chair
Associate Chair
Undergraduate Director
Graduate Director
Director of CULTR
Director of CIRCLE
Office / Delivery Address
Department of World Languages & Cultures
25 Park Place
Floor 19
Atlanta, GA. 30303
USPS Mailing Address
Department of World Languages & Cultures
P.O. Box 3970
Atlanta, GA. 30302